
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pay it forward Priciple.

The concept is that you engage in a random act of kindness. It can be towards your friends , neighbors, relatives or even strangers.

You don't expect anything in return from them. You do it for your satisfaction and happiness. The person who is the receiver of this act is also hopefully helped and happy about it . If they do want to repay you for your kindness, then just ask them to help somebody else and pay it forward.

When I think about it , I have found that I too have been subject to such random acts of kindness.

One such incident I can think of is when I was in school . We used to travel by bus to school everyday and we usually had a bus pass and some money. But one day, I found that my bus pass had expired AND I did not have any change . I was already in the bus and for some reason I was not with my friends or my sister on that day. Mobile phones were unheard of in those days. I was in a panick since I would not be able to go home without buying a ticket . I might be humiliated and asked to get off the bus .

At that time, another girl somehow realized that I was panicking and asked me what I was panicking about. I told her my dilema and she without a seconds hesitation bought a ticket , gave it to me and got off the bus in the next stop. It might have been a very small thing for her. But I remember that girl and her act of kindness even to this day. I never met that girl again but that act has remained with me forever.

People have been doing random acts of kindness without even being aware of it. Think how much of a difference it would make if we started doing it with awareness. These acts need not be of great monetary value too. It can be as simple as smiling at strangers and saying a king word to a person who is sad.

How do u practice this principle ?
Be attentive to opportunities to help people. These can be as simple and basic as helping babysit your neighbors kids when you know the parents need help, helping seniors with their chores or maybe help your maid's kids with their homework or studies to as complex as becoming an organ donor.

There are so many opportunities to help make this world a better place to be if we just pay a little attention.

I, on my part have started looking for opportunities to practice this principle . All of us may not be able to make an impact like Buddha or Mahatma Gandhi or Martin Luther King , but we can make the world a better , safer and happier place in our own small ways.

What do you guys think about this ?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey - Great thoughts.. Showing kindness and helping others is a self help.. Heere is why, In 2005 Fortune maxazine made a survey of people living in United States to learn what makes them happy ? 75% of americans living in United states got back with a reply that helping others makes them happy. Helping others can be community work or anyother way.. Do you want to be happy, then go ahead help and show kindness to others !
